MENOREACT 60 caps - 33 g.


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Dietary supplement containing minerals, vitamin D, B12 and plant extracts. This powerful daily supplement works to help counteract the symptoms of menopause while also supporting the prevention of early and late-onset menopausal symptoms.



Sleep disturbances are a common issue during menopause. It can affect both the quality and quantity of sleep, meaning that there may be both a reduction in the time spent sleeping as well as changes to your overall sleep pattern. Black Cohosh, magnesium bisglycinate, and melatonin are involved in the sleep-wake cycle, i.e., how much we sleep.


Temperature changes that involve the entire body often occur during menopause. This issue occurs due to changes in the thermocontrol center at the hypothalamic level caused by hormonal changes. The feeling of heat spreading throughout the body, which may be accompanied by palpitations and can be alleviated by the use of Black Cohosh, which has estrogen-like effects.


Loss of libido or a decline in sexual desire is a common problem suffered by menopausal women. It can happen psychologically in the form of a lack of emotional interest; or physically showing up as vaginal dryness, for example. This can lead to painful intercourse, and thus a loss of libido. Some natural remedies act on both levels: Black Cohosh and ginseng help both the psychological and physical decline, while vitamin D, B12, selenomethionine and beta-carotene reduce skin dryness in general as well as vaginal dryness specifically.


Osteoporosis is caused by long-term calcium and vitamin D3 deficiency that affects the integrity of the skeletal system. Restoring proper vitamin D3 levels allows us to restore optimal calcium levels in different areas of the body. Therefore, an exogenous supply of vitamin D3 helps prevent damage resulting from the onset of osteoporosis, with the help of Black Cohosh and magnesium bisglycinate.


Many doctors say that the psychological sphere is most affected by hormonal imbalances, first and foremost, and a new chemical-hormonal balance. The symptoms related to the altered mental well-being can lead to mood swings, anxiety, irritability and depression. The brain is an organ and so it can be helped to function better by supplementing with nutrients that help restore proper neuronal biochemistry: Black Cohosh and magnesium bisglycinate are recommended to help diminish changes in mood


-Strong symptoms: 2 capsules daily, one in the morning and one in the evening.

-Menopause in the absence of symptoms or with mild symptoms: 1 capsule daily, preferably in the morning with meals.

Average amount per daily dose2 cps. 2 cps.
Black Cohosh d.e.200 mgSelenium55 mcg (100% NRV)
triterpen glycosides intake5 mgMelatonin1 mg
Red clover d.e.100 mgBeta-carotene5 mg
total isoflavone intake20 mgGinseng d.e.50 mg
ginsenoside intake15 mgMagnesium Bisglycinate93.5% mg (25% NRV)
Vitamin D310 mcg (200% NRV)  













"NRV: nutrient reference values for vitamins and minerals (adults ) pursuant to Reg. 1169/2011".

By combining specific nutrients, Menoreact has been developed to help relieve all symptoms related to this specific time in a woman’s life.

  • Black Cohosh
  • Red clover d.e.
  • Selenomethionine
  • Vitamin D3
  • Magnesium Bisglycinate
  • Melatonin
  • Ginseng
  • Beta-carotene

Black Cohosh
This bushy perennial herb belonging to the Ranunculaceae family contains a number of active elements, such as triterpene glycosides, isoflavones, and phytoestrogens, which give it its ability to affect the central nervous system and its hormone-like effect. Because of these two main pathways, it is currently the most widely used natural remedy for alleviating symptoms associated with menopause, which is characterized by significant hormonal changes. It has been reported to be beneficial in relieving menopausal symptomse, such as hot flashes, heart palpitations, dizziness and tinnitus. It also acts on the psychological sphere, helping to alleviating depression or anxiety symptoms most often associated with the peri-menopause and menopause. What's more, it can also support sexual health by increasing libido and reducing vaginal dryness. In addition to this, according to recent studies, Black Cohosh also has anti-inflammatory and anti-rheumatic properties. Menoreact contains 5 mg of Triterpen glycosides in 200 mg of Black Cohosh per daily dose. Red Clover is a plant rich in isoflavones, the main ones being Biochanin A (precursor of Genistein), Formononetin (precursor of Daidzein), Genistein and Daidzein. Unlike Soy, which has isoflavones bonded with glycosidic radicals that require enzymatic pre-hydrolysis in the intestine, Red Clover isoflavones are present as immediately bio-available aglycones, allowing a higher blood concentration to be achieved in a short period of time. Isoflavones, also known as phytoestrogens, possess similar activity to estrogen (female hormones) but are free from the side effects associated with hormone replacement therapy. By binding to estrogen receptors, isoflavones can help to balance female sex hormone concentrations in the peri-menopausal phase and, as a result, alleviate major menopause-related disorders such as hot flashes, vaginal dryness, osteoporosis (depletion of bone mass), changes in mood, such as depression and anxiety. The activity of Red Clover isoflavones is not limited to alleviating typical menopausal issues, but also has positive effects on lipid metabolism, blood sugar and arteriosclerosis. In fact, numerous studies have shown that Red Clover isoflavones are effective in keeping cholesterol and triglyceride levels under control, while also demonstrating protective properties.


Red clover
This plant is rich in isoflavones, mainly Biochanin A (precursor of Genistein), Formononetin (precursor of Daidzein), Genistein and Daidzein. Unlike Soy, which has isoflavones bonded with glycosidic radicals that require enzymatic pre-hydrolysis in the intestine, Red Clover isoflavones are present as immediately bio-available aglycones, allowing a higher concentration to be achieved in a short period of time. Isoflavones, also known as phytoestrogens, possess similar activity to estrogen (female hormones) but are free from the side effects associated with hormone replacement therapy. By binding to estrogen receptors, isoflavones help to balance female sex hormone concentrations in the peri-menopausal period and, as a result, can alleviate major menopause-related disorders: hot flashes, vaginal dryness, osteoporosis (depletion of bone mass), changes in mood, such as depression and anxiety. The activity of Red Clover isoflavones is not limited to alleviating typical menopausal issues, but has also been shown to have positive effects on lipid metabolism, blood sugar and arteriosclerosis. In fact, numerous studies have shown that Red Clover isoflavones are effective in keeping cholesterol and triglyceride levels under control, while also demonstrating heart protective properties. Menoreact contains 20 mg of total isoflavones.


This key ingredient is a biochemically similar analogue to the essential amino acid methionine, in which the sulfur atom is replaced by a selenium atom. Selenium in the form of selenium-methionine has greater bioavailability than the trace element alone and thus improves intestinal absorption. Selenium is an essential element for the proper functioning of an enzyme, glutathione peroxidase, which contributes to the body's antioxidant defenses and prevents neurodegenerative diseases. This action is critical in blocking the increase in free radicals and the decrease in antioxidant defenses associated with the peri-menopause and menopause. In addition, thanks again to its free radical fighting action, it can prevent the oxidation of dermal components, thus supporting more supple skin. The presence of the methionine methyl group also protects the liver and can foster the elimination of heavy metals, such as Mercury or Lead, which increase during the menopause and can be harmful to the entire body. Menoreact contains 55 mcg of selenium per daily dose.


Vitamin D
This fat-soluble vitamin comes in two main forms: D2 and D3. Both can increase levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D, the hormone-active form of vitamin D. Vitamin D is naturally synthesized in skin exposed to sunlight. This is the most effective way to independently produce optimal levels of vitamin D for the body's well-being. Another way to get vitamin D is through food: it is found in certain animal products, such as cod liver oil, and, in other fatty fish in small amounts, such as herring, mackerel, sardines, and tuna; there are also small amounts of it present in dairy products, eggs and leafy green vegetables. It plays many roles in the body, all of which are important: it regulates calcium and phosphorus levels, which can prevent the onset of osteoporosis, has an anti-inflammatory effect, supports the immune system, and is beneficial for people who suffer from changes in mood, especially during the winter. When our diet is not balanced and sun exposure is limited, it can be beneficial to get more vitamin D through supplements, given the many roles it plays in the body. Menoreact contains 10 mcg of Vitamin D per daily dose.


Magnesium Bisglycinate
An organic form of magnesium, and an essential nutrient that the body needs to function properly. Compared with the inorganic form, it has a significantly greater bioavailability which can help with greater intestinal absorption and reduced elimination. It is found in significant amounts throughout the body and is used for numerous purposes, including muscle relaxation and ATP (adenosine triphosphate, the body's main energy molecule) production. Magnesium is involved in regulating calcium transport and reducing bone turnover and a daily intake of it increases bone density. What's more, magnesium has been shown to be involved in the transduction of signals implicated in the disordered physiological processes of depression and anxiety, while proper magnesium intake prevents its onset. Magnesium deficiencies can cause the onset of alopecia and skin aging, as well as disturbances in the sensory system, such as the olfactory and visual systems. Last but not least, Magnesium plays a role in reducing feelings of mental and physical fatigue, as it regulates numerous biochemical mechanisms involved in the body's energy compartment. Menoreact provides 93.7 mg Magnesium Bisglycinate per daily dose.


A hormone produced by the pineal gland in the brain, and many times ingested as part of our diet in small amounts in foods such as sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds and cocoa. Melatonin regulates the body's sleep-wake cycle (circadian rhythm), inducing sleep and regulating the sleep cycle of jet-lagged travelers. It also has antioxidant properties. Its levels increase as sunlight decreases, peaking between 2 and 4 a.m. and decreasing as morning approaches. This pattern is altered with the onset of age as melatonin levels decline and therefore its supplementation against insomnia is beneficial. Because melatonin has a half-life of around 30 minutes, it should be taken a few hours before you go to sleep. It also plays an important role in the blood. Specifically, melatonin stimulates platelet and T-cell production, thereby increasing immune response and coagulative capacity. Menoreact provides 1 mg Melatonin per daily dose


Ginseng, o Panax Ginseng
This plant associated with ancient Chinese medicine and has always been considered a panacea, or a “medicine for every ailment” (hence its name Panax, panacea). Its root is commonly used in herbal preparations for the treatment of sexual dysfunction and symptoms related to the onset of the menopause. In fact, it has been shown to possess invigorating, energizing and antidepressant properties. Taking it can boost the libido as well as the quality of sexual performance. Ginseng’s effects are not related to hormonal changes, but rather to the effects that its ginsenoside components have on the central nervous system and gonadal tissues. It has also been shown that ginsenoids are capable of exerting a cardioprotective role, can reduce hypertension and blood cholesterol levels. Menoreact contains 50 mg of Ginseng, including 15 mg of ginsenosides per daily dose.


Widely found in plants, carotenoids along with another group of chemicals, the bioflavonoids, give fruits, vegetables and other plants their color. Its name comes from the Latin word for "carrot," since it is found in high quantities in this vegetable. Beta-carotene is a particularly nutritionally important carotenoid because the body easily converts it into vitamin A, which is precisely why it is also known as pro-vitamin A. While vitamin A can be toxic if taken in excess, beta-carotene does not cause this effect because it will only be converted into vitamin A when needed. This makes it the best way to supplement vitamin A levels. Having normal levels of vitamin A is critical for good vision, maintaining healthy skin, and boosting the antioxidant and immune systems. Menoreact provides 5 mg beta-carotene per daily dose.


Aggiungi alla lista desideri MENOREACT 60 caps - 33 g.


Menoreact is a supplement for women who do not want to see their mental and physical well-being compromised by pre- and post-menopausal symptoms. Through the combination of specific nutrients and superior ingredients, it is designed to help alleviate all symptoms related to this specific time in a woman’s life that can be meet with both physical and mental challenges such as lower metabolism, sexual and psychological problems, hot flashes and sweating, insomnia, anxiety/depression, as well as symptoms related to skin and the aging process as it relates to loss of estrogen. This causes generalized dryness, the appearance of deep wrinkles, as well as brittle nails and hair. Finally, there is the onset of later symptoms, such as the increased risk of cardiovascular disease due to the disappearance of the protective role of estrogen and the more likely onset of osteoporosis, caused by the loss of the continuous supply of calcium to the bones.