SKIN DETOX 60 caps - 34 g.


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This Nutraiuvens supplement is developed to help rid the body of toxins while supporting overall skin wellness.

The benefits of Skin Detox against skin issues


Acne is an inflammatory skin condition that can be triggered by genetic factors and stress, leading to hormonal changes. In fact, at the root of pimple formation lies the overstimulation of the sebaceous gland - which produces sebum, an oil that moisturizes the epidermis, by androgens, hormones commonly considered to be male but which are also found in women. Excess sebum, along with the dead skin cells and impurities that clog our pores daily, create the perfect environment for bacterial growth. The increase in bacteria in the pores results in an inflammatory response, which is the basis for the development of pimples and acne lesions. A blend of ingredients to alleviate the inflammatory response and balance hormonal overstimulation.


Psoriasis is an inflammatory condition, which can become chronic and recur. It is distinguished by the appearance of reddened erythematous areas covered in white scales due to thickening of the skin in the affected areas, which are usually: the elbows, knees, scalp, lower back, palms of the hands, soles of the feet, and the genital area. The cause can be traced to genetic, immune, and environmental factors. Supplementation with biotin, vitamin A, zinc, and bugle can restore the altered keratinization and alleviate the inflammation that is part of this condition.

Inflammation and general redness

The skin may feature widespread or local redness due to temporary or chronic inflammation. Many anti-inflammatory micronutrients are recommended for the oral treatment of these changes: pantothenic acid, zinc, green tea, and bugle.

Dry skin

Dehydration is a skin condition that is related to several factors including a change in the hydrolipidic film lining the skin, or a reduction in the concentration of intradermal water, or even the excessive evaporation of water due to a mixture of the two previous causes. To increase skin hydration from the inside out, we can supplement with substances that have hydrating properties, such as vitamin A and biotin.

ROS-induced skin damage

Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are chemicals that are normally produced in cells, which - when present in small amounts - play a physiologically beneficial role within the body. When they are present in higher concentrations, however, they can no longer be counteracted by antioxidants and produce a series of damage at the cellular level that cause, cellular instability up to and including cell death. To counteract ROS damage, it is extremely important to supplement the diet with a supply of antioxidants that can effectively neutralize these damaging effects: burdock, green tea, chromium, and biotin are therefore indispensable in reducing ROS-induced skin damage.


Take 2 capsules daily, preferably immediately after meals.

Average amount per daily dose2 cps. 2 cps.
Bugle d.e.300 mgZinc7,5mg (75%NRV)
Burdock d.e.300 mgChromium80mcg (200% NRV)
inulin intake60 mgPantothenic Acid18mg (300% NRV)
Green tea d.e.200 mgVitamin B65,6mg (400%NRV)
EGCG intake140 mgVitamin A800mcg (100% NRV)
Biotin225mcg (450% NRV)  













"NRV: nutrient reference values for vitamins and minerals (adults ) pursuant to Reg. 1169/2011".

A dietary supplement developed to combat all inflammatory-based skin problems including acne, psoriasis dermatitis and more. It also helps to improve and protect the skin with key ingredients Bugle, Burdock, Green tea, Zinc, Chromium, Pantothenic acid, Vitamin B6, Biotin and Vitamin A.


Ajuga reptans, also known as Bugle,
A perennial herbaceous plant belonging to the Lamiaceae family, it is widely found in temperate climates, especially in mountainous areas, where it is frequently used as feed for livestock. Rich in tannins, it possesses powerful anti-inflammatory properties, as recently demonstrated in vivo in rodents, making it beneficial for severely inflamed skin. Bugle also affects the activity of 5-alpha-reductase, an enzyme that converts testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (the physiologically more potent androgenic hormone). Its inhibitory action on the 5-alpha-reductase enzyme, which is implicated in the genesis of acne, seborrheic dermatitis, and benign prostatic hyperplasia, may help treat these conditions from within. Skin-detox contains 300 mg of Ajuga Reptans (Bugle) per daily dose.


Arctium lappa
Commonly known as burdock, this biennial herbaceous plant is found widely throughout Italy. Burdock roots, seeds and leaves have been studied in view of its popular uses in traditional Chinese medicine. The beneficial action of this plant derivative is attributable to the presence of several classes of bioactive secondary metabolites, including flavonoids and lignans, for which Arctium lappa is an important natural source. Butyrolactone lignans and caffeoylquinic acids can provide anti-inflammatory properties by dose-dependently inhibiting the expression of pro-inflammatory enzymes and the secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines, thus making burdock particularly useful in treating acne, dermatitis, and psoriasis. Inulin, another compound contained within the plant, provides draining and purifying properties that foster the elimination of toxins, namely the "waste products" that the body produces during metabolism. Skin-detox contains 300 mg of Arctium lappa (Burdock) per daily dose.


Green tea is derived from the Camellia sinensis plant.
It contains compounds called catechins (a subset of a group of compounds called polyphenols) whose antioxidant, anticancer and antimicrobial properties have been widely demonstrated. The main catechin contained in green tea is epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG). It is known primarily as a powerful antioxidant, preventing oxidative damage in healthy cells, but it also boasts numerous other functions such as sebum-regulation in the skin, thereby improving the somatic expression of acne, also assisted by its antibacterial effect against P. acnes; anti-inflammatory and DNA damage protection. Skin-detox contains 200 mg of Green Tea per daily dose, including 140 mg of EGCG.


This important trace element found in every cell of the body is responsible for the proper function of more than 300 enzymes in the body. Normally the amount of zinc in our everyday diet is very small so a slight zinc deficiency is quite common. Found in foods such as oysters, grains, and poppy seeds, its supplementation may be beneficial for the well-being of the entire epidermis. Zinc is commonly present in many topical preparations for sensitive skin and/or skin affected by dermatological changes such as rosacea, psoriasis, and acne. In fact, zinc is essential for the biosynthesis of collagen and therefore for the maintenance of proper skin trophism; it also has proven antioxidant and soothing power, which is beneficial for altered or damaged skin. Skin-detox contains 7.5 mg of Zinc per daily dose.


An essential "trace mineral," which means the body needs it for the proper metabolism of major macromolecules, including sugars. It is found everywhere in nature in the Earth's crust and is predominantly present in its trivalent state. Chromium is incorporated into the body through our diets, although staple foods are particularly low in chromium.: Pprocessed meats, whole grains, legumes, and spices are the best sources of chromium, while dairy products and most fruits and vegetables contain only small amounts of it. Adequate levels of chromium are essential for proper skin health. In fact, chromium strengthens the body's antioxidant system and reduces oxidation, such as lipid peroxidation, which is responsible for damaging the hydrolipidic film. Skin-detox contains 80 mcg of Chromium per daily dose.


Pantothenic acid, or vitamin B5,
Assimilated through the diet or through bacterial production by the microflora in the gut, both sources appear to contribute to the body's need for the vitamin. In the diet, pantothenic acid exists mainly in the form of coenzyme A, which is hydrolyzed to release pantothenic acid. The body uses pantothenic acid to make proteins and other chemicals needed to metabolize fats and carbohydrates. Intake of pantothenic acid can improve the overall condition of the skin due to its anti-inflammatory and hydrating properties, as well as work to soothe the skin and diminish the appearance of acne. Skin-detox contains 18 mg pantothenic acid per daily dose.


Vitamin B6
A water-soluble vitamin, meaning it dissolves in the body's aqueous tissue compartments, vitamin B6 can be assimilated through food, as it is found in a variety of foods, such as meat, fish, grains, potatoes, legumes and vegetables like carrots, spinach and peas. It can also be produced in the body in the intestines ‎thanks to the bacteria in our intestinal flora. It performs a wide range of functions, although the main ones involve the immune system, where it helps to boost antibody production. It also supports the skin to heal acne. The positive effects of vitamin B6 in treating acne are attributable to its role in regulating the activity of testosterone and its metabolites, such as dihydrotestosterone, hormones that are responsible for causing acne in genetically predisposed individuals. Skin-detox contains 5.6 mg of Vitamin B6 per daily dose


Part of the B-vitamin group and also called B8, this ingredient is water-soluble, meaning it dissolves in the body's aqueous tissue compartments. It is found in many commonly consumed foods such as meat, fish, eggs, nuts, chocolate and milk. However, its concentration within the body may decrease following drug treatments, therefore supplemental support is essential. Clinical symptoms related to its deficiency range from dermatitis to alopecia and central nervous system alterations. Biotin is the essential cofactor for certain enzymes ‎involved in the biosynthesis of fatty acids, which are essential for skin health as they protect the skin from damage induced by external agents and dehydration. When biotin intake is insufficient and its levels in the body are reduced, fat production is altered, and skin cells are the first to be affected. Skin-detox contains 225 mcg of Biotin per daily dose.


Vitamin A
A fat-soluble vitamin that comes from two different sources: precursors of animal origin (meat, fish) i.e., retinoids, which include retinol, or precursors of plant origin (contained in yellow-orange vegetables, such as carrots, pumpkin, tomatoes etc.), called carotenoids, which includes beta-carotene. The body then converts these precursors, retinoids or carotenoids, into vitamin A. This helps maintain healthy skin and mucous membranes through its hydrating properties, which can increase the production of hyaluronic acid (a molecule that can bind to lots of water molecules), and its acne-fighting properties. In addition, vitamin A is also essential for the health of the immune system and the eyes. Skin-detox contains 800 mcg of Vitamin A per daily dose.




Aggiungi alla lista desideri SKIN DETOX 60 caps - 34 g.



Skin-detox is a dietary supplement that has been developed to improve the well-being of the whole body and improve skin health. Thanks to natural extracts such as Ajuga reptans, Arctium lappa and green tea, it helps to boost the body's natural purifying functions and normalizes the production of sebum. With the help of vitamin B6, it also helps to regulate hormonal imbalances. The formulation is completed by a multivitamin complex (Vitamin A, Vitamin B5), chromium and biotin, which work together to keep the skin healthier for longer.